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立身以立学为先 立学以读书为本——欧阳修





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原文地址:初中英语语法要点(一)    原文作者:中考英语


(一)名词、主谓一致                                 1

(二)冠词                                                    3

(三)代词                                                     3

(四)数词                                                     5

(五)形容词与副词                                     6

(六)连词与从句                                         8

(七)介词                                                    13

(八)动词                                                    15

(九)非谓语动词                                        19

一.           不定式                                       19

二.           分词                                            20

三.           动名词                                        21

(十)倒装语序                                            23

(十一)反意疑问句                                    23



1. 形单意复:people, public, police, cattle, folk

2. 形复意单, politics , physics, thanks, savings,

news, brains(头脑,智力), maths, etc.

3. 单复同形:Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, deer, fish,

sheep, bison, grouse, swine, means, works, data,

crossroads, horsepower, series, species, head(头数)




(1) 表示类别:teas(各种茶叶),steels(各种  钢材)

(2) 表示不同意义:woodwoods森林;sand






(1) 表示某性一家或两夫妇 the Einsteins

(2) 表示同名同性的若干人         1)  There are two Marys and three Roberts in his    class.



Beautya beauty/ beauties美人

Youtha youth / youths青年人

Sighta sight / sights 情景,奇观

Power a power / powers强国



1)  No one has a greater appreciation than I.

2)  They are doing a great business in Hebei.

3)  He got a firm hold of the rope.

4)  We can catch a clear sight of the city.

但有不少常用不可数名词是例外的,这些词有:advice, control, conduct, danger, furniture, fun, health, material information, luck, music, news, progress, trouble, weather, work, etc.

1)  What fine weather!     2)What great progress!

不少不可数名词做的have宾语或There be的主语时,及动作名词做maketake的宾语时,该名词前面有不定冠词a。(也有例外)have a walk, have a cold, take a seat, make a decision, etc.

1)  There is a rain / snow / fog yesterday.



如果说话者把它当作一个整体来看,谓语动词要用单数形式;如果把它看为一个个体的人或物,谓语动词要用复数形式。常用的集体名词有:army, cattle, class, committee, company, crowd, enemy, gang, family, gang government, group, majority, party, population, public, team, etc.

1)  The class is big.               

2)  The class are listening to the teacher.


1.名词做定语有三种情况:       ( (1) 大多数用单数形式:a boy friend, two girl   students.

(2) 有些用复数形式:sports car, customs officer, arms production, clothes shop, a goods train, sales department, savings bank, ( 还有affairs, pains, details, honors, communications )

(3) 个别随被修饰名词变化而变化:a woman

doctor, two women doctors

2.      名词与名词所有格做定语的区别:

(1) 名词所有格做定语通常表示所有关系,如不表示所有关系,通常用名词做定语。

(2) 名词所有格做定语也可表类别,如a doctor’s degree等,所以表示类别时,是用名词直接做定语,还是用名词所有格做定语,一定要注意习惯搭配,如a peasant familya worker’s family; Children做定语,习惯上所有用格,如children’s clothes, a children’s hospital,不宜用of格,如是动宾关系的,常用of格,如her love of children, their hate of the enemy等,却很少用’s格。

3.      表示有生命的东西的名词用’s格;表示国

家、城市、太阳、地球、时间、距离、价值等概念的名词也用’s( China’s capital, the earth’s surface, a miles’ distance );在现代英语中工业、工厂、公司、机器等也可以用’s( the machine’s base, the bearing’s life )

4.      有些名词词组是被视为整体的,名词位置不

能改变,一般也只有一个冠词或限定词,从表面看是复数,实际上是单数,是由它们概念所构成一个集合体,其中的and实际上是和with (带有的)相似。Knife and fork, break and butter, lock and key, coat and tie, truth and honest, heart and soul, rain and shine, pork and peas, salt and water, soap and water, iron and steel, food, clothing and shelter

1)  He played a good knife and fork.吃饱了

2)  The fork and knife is used at meals in the western countries.

3)  Truth and honest is the best policy.

4)  Our parents provide us with food, clothing and shelter.



(1) 动词不定式、动名词及从句做主语,谓语动

词要用单数形式。( What引导的主语从句有例

外情况)                          1)  Going to bed early and getting up early is a good   habit.

2)  What I say and do is no business of yours.

3)  What he has bought for me are only a few     magazines.

4)  To see is to believe.          (2) and连接两个或以上的名词做主语,谓语



1)  The singer and the dancer are to attend our evening meeting.

2)  His father and mother are away on business.

3)  The writer and worker is to attend our meeting

4)  Steam and ice are different forms of water.                               

5)  Bread and butter is a daily food in the west.

(3) 两个名词由介词(名词+介词+名词)with, besides, like, but, except, together with, along with, no less than, more than, rather than, including及连词 as well as连接的单位做主语,谓语动词与第一个名词保持一致。

1)  The book as well as the other two is borrowed from the library.

2)  The poor woman with her two children was seen begging in a street corner.

3)  Nobody but Jane and I knows the secret.

(4) 两个或以上名词由and连接且都受no, every, each, many a 等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式                       

1)  No teacher and no student wants to see the film.                    

2)  Every desk and every chair is made of wood.

3)  Many a teacher and many a student has taken part in the stormy discussion.

(5) 表示时间、距离、价格和度量衡等名词做主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。

1)  Two hours is not long enough for this test.

2)  One dollar and eighty-seven cents was all Della had.

3)  One and half days is all I can spare.      (6) 不管主语概念如何,谓语动词只和主语形式保持数的一致。

1)  The students each have a dictionary now.

2)  More than one person was watching the strange star that night.                    3)  There are one or two things I want to talk over with you.

4)  Many a child has lost their parents.

(7) 由分数 / 百分数+of +名词的结构做主语时,谓语动词与其名词保持数的一致。

1)  30% of the students come from the south.

2)  Two thirds of the water here is polluted.

(8) 定语从句的谓语动词与其先行词保持人称和数的有一致。(the only one of+名词例外)

1)  Mary is the only one of the girls who is often late for school.                    

2)  Mary is one of the girls who are often late for school.

3)  How many people does the doctor know who are dying of the disease?


( (1) 集体名词做主语视其情况决定其谓语动词的单复数。

1)  The class is in the charge of Mr. Li.

2)  The class are taking notes in English.

( ( 2) 特殊名词(形单意复、形复意单和单复同形名词)做主语,视其意义决定其谓语动词的单复

1)  Every means has been tried.           2)  Maths is the language of science.

3)  Traffic police are always very busy.

(3) 代词all, none, rest, some, most等做主语,要


1)  All is going on very well.

2)  The first two questions are difficult, but the rest  are easy.

3)  All are here now.                 4)  The rest needs no telling.



(1) neither…nor, either …or, not only…but also


1)  Not only money but also men are needed.

2)  He as well as I agrees with you.

3)  Do you or Tom come here often?

(2) There be句型或其他倒装结构中,谓语动


1)  There is a pen, five pencils on the desk.

2)  Here comes a taxi and some buses.


1)  None of them are good singers.

2)  One thirds of the population in this area are   workers.

3)  What he wants are two books.      (2) kind / type / quantity of+名词做主语时,谓

语动词跟kind, typequantity而不是跟后面名


1)  Great quantities of fish were caught in the river by the fishermen.

2)  This kind of cakes tastes good while cakes of that kind are different.





1)  He is a worker. He is an old worker.

2)  There is a book on the desk.


(1) 不定冠词通常放在所有定语前面;但要在

特殊限定词后面。特殊限定词有:such, quite,

many, what, half, rather( 其中halfrather


1)  What a good boy he is!            2)  He is such a good boy that everyone here love    him.

(2) 如果名词前面的是由so, as, too, however


1)  It’s so good a day!     2) How clever a girl!


(1) As后面的名词如果是唯一职务时。(但有形


1)  He acted as interpreter.

2)  He acted as an excellent interpreter.

(2) 在某一特定的范围内唯一职务。(在句中做


1)  He was elected mayor of London.

(3) 单数名词在as引导的让步状语从句中做表 语。

1)  Child as he is, he knows a lot.           2)  Thought he is a child, he knows a lot.

(4) 单数名词做turn的表语时(此时,也不用复



1)  After some time, he turned doctor.

2)  I turned a good fellow.


(1) 不定冠词与序数词(firstlast除外)连用,表示“又、再”。

1)  He read the book a second time.

(2) 不定冠词与最高级连用,表示“非常,很”。

1)  It’s a most beautiful day.

(3) 不定冠词可用来做不确切的特指,就是特指具体对象,但很不明确。

1)  There’s a letter for you.

2)  A barber is a man whose job is to cut men’s hair.





一般放在所有定语前面,但是放在前位特殊限定词all, both后面。

1)  Both the boys are students.

2)  All the students are listening carefully.


(1) The+ adj.表示一类性质和特征相同人或事


数形式;若指抽象概念( the good, the truth, the

right, etc. ) 则用单数。

1)  The poor need help.

2)  The beautiful lives forever.

(2) 表示“两者中较为的一个”的形容词比较级


1)  Jack is the taller of the two students.

(3) all, both, each, neither, either, most,

many, much, few, a great many 等词或词组后面

of短语的名词要有the或其它限定词。( a lot

of, a number of, a deal of , plenty of …没有the )

1)  Many girls love dancing.          

2)  Many of the girls love dancing.

( (4) 名词school, bed, market, hospital, church, sea,

 prison, war等表示抽象意义时,一般不用the;表

示具体地点时,则要加the。但theater, cinema,

temple 等,表抽象意义时,有冠词the            

1)  His son goes to school at 6. Yesterday he went to the school to visit his son’s teacher.

2)  She often goes to the temple every month.

(三) 代词



and I, you and he, he and I, you, he and I,即通常按231321人称排列;复数的不同人称代词排列其次序一般是:we, you and they即通常按123人称排列;第三人称男女并用时,先男后女he and she 承认过失,表示不吉祥的事,或不好的意思时,单数按132人称排列,复数按321的人称排列。

1)  I, he and you will be punished for being late.

2)  They, you and we should leave there at once.



1)  – Who’s that? – It’s me ( It’s I. )

2)  –Does anybody want another photo? – Me.


All, every, each, both, either, neither, one, no, none, some, any, many, much, few, little, another, other, such及合成词everything, everybody, everyone, no one, nobody, nothing, someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything.

1.Both, neither, either用于两者, another, all, any

none, every, some及其合成词用于三者或以上;each用于两者或以上。

2.Both, all, every(及every合成词)用于否定

句,均为部分否定;全部否定要用等neither, none, no one, nothing等。

3.Neither, few, little, nothing, none, no, no one

为否定词(但a few, a little是肯定的)。


后面;如Something important, nothing serious, anything new等。


名词都表示“又、再”;注意两者的数词位置。如:Another ten apples, ten more apples


(1) some及其合成词一般用于肯定句,any及其


句。如If any (不用 if some)

1)  I will go there if have any time.

(2) some用于貌似疑问句实为祈使句的句子中。

1)  Would you like some tea?

2)  Why not bring some flowers?

(3) any表示任何也可用于肯定句中。

1)  Any child can go to school.

2)  Make it any day you like.

(4) someany用于疑问句中的不同。

1)  Is there anyone in the room?

2)  Is there someone in the room?

(5) Some修饰复数名词和不可数名词时,表示




“大约”(= about)。

1)  For some reason I will be able to attend the meeting.                      2)  For certain reasons I will be able to attend the   meetings.

(6) not any = nonot any不用于句首;句首要

no one, nonenothing


(1) 两个均能做定语用,表示“每”的意思。

(2) Each 表示两者或以上的人或事物,侧重“各





1)  Each room can sit about 40 people.

2)  Every room is crowed with visitors.

3)  Not every student studies hard.

8.No one, nonenothing

(1) No one只指人不指事物,nothing指事物,

者均不跟of短语; none 可指人或事物,可以跟


(2) 询问数量(即用How many How much


回答,否则要用no one(人)或nothing(事物)。

1)  – Who is in the room? – No one.       

2)  – How many people did you see? – None.

3)  – How much did you want? – None.

4)  – What did you want? – Nothing.

5)  – Did any of my friends come here? – None

6)  – Did any one come here? – No one.

9.Everyone, anyone, someone, no one是指人,

不可跟of短语;every one, any one, some one是指事物,可跟of短语, 既指人又指事物。

10. Otheranother

(1) Other 用于两者(其中一者可以是多数的)

One+(单数名词)+the other(单数名词),                                                                      

One / some + the others / the other复数名词;

1)  Some of the pencils are red, the others / the other pencils are blue.

2)  He got two books; one is textbook, the other is a   novel.

(2) Some…some…others             3)  Some are singing, others are dancing.

(3) Another修饰或代替单数名词,用于三者或


4)  This coat is too dark. Show me another, please

5)  Please give me another book.    


(1) One 表示“一人或物”有复数形式ones,所


(2) One只能代替可数名词以免重复,复数名词


1)  Please pass me the book, the one on the desk.   

(3) One可加the表示特指,也可以加aan


2)  The dictionary is a big one.

3)  This factory is the one you visited last year.

(4) 不能说my ( your, their…)one,要说mine

( yours, theirs…);但可说this one that one

(5) One 可以是数词也可以是替代词,强调数量

比较或有only,要用one。(×only a                        

4)  There is one boy and two girls in the room

5)  There is only one boy in the classroom.

12Little few

(1) Fewa few修饰可数名词,littlea little

修饰不可数名词;a fewa little表示肯定,few



(2) little有两个意思:not much “少”和small

1)  The camel eats so little water.         “小”。

2)  They are such little children that they cannot go to school.

3)  Some few teacher attended the meeting.

4)  I’ll remember the few days when I stayed together with you

(3) 常说quite a little / few; very little / few.


(1) That / this可以用来表示程度,意思是so

1)  Can hard work change that much?

(2) This常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下作用(×

that )that一般指上面所讲的东西,有承上作(

this )

2)  I want to tell you this: the English party will be held on Sunday.                   3)  He hurt his leg yesterday. That’s why he didn’t   come.

(3) Those who的结构中,只用those不用these,

this, that

4)  Those who want to attend the meeting gather at the gate at 2 this afternoon.

14It, that, onethose

(1) 这些词都可以用来代替上文或下文出现的


(2) It用来代替原来那件东西或那件事情。

1)  I thought I had lost my pen, but later I found it in my school bag.

(3) One用来代替泛指的同类单数名词,ones

来代替泛指的复数名词, The onethe ones用来


1)  Here are three pens. Which one is yours, this one or that one or the one in the box?

2)  These books are better than those ones.

(4) That用来代替不可数名词或特指的单数名词

(= the one )those用来代替特指的复数名词( =

the ones )

1)  The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Nanning.                      2)  The cars of a rabbit are longer than those of a       fox.

15. Such that一样指前面讲过的情况,Such 前面可以有不定指示代词all, no, one, few, several, some, any, hardly等以及基数词,此时单数名词不加冠词A

1)  Such is life.                     2)  I may have offended, but such was not my intention.

3)  There is no such thing.

4)  Some such arrangement was necessary. 



1)  It is half pass three now.

2)  It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here.

3)  It was very cold in the room.        


1)  It’s very important for us to study hard.

2)  We find it very important to study hard.

3.常用于It be…that / who的强调句型之中,此


1)  It was yesterday that I met him in the street.


It be …since; It be …before; It’s a pity ( that ); It’s a wonder ( that ); It happens that; It occurs that; It is no use / good doing ( to do ); It ( This ) is+ the + 序数词+time that S+ have done sth;  It ( This ) was+ the +序数词+ time that S+ had done sth



1)  – Who is it? – It’s me.

6It用作形式宾语的一种特殊用法。在一些表示“情感”的动词hate, love, like, prefer, enjoy appreciate(if )以及take, see to, depend on等后常用V+ it+ when / if / that…结构。

1)  I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.

2)  She didn’t enjoy it when her husband drove fast.

3)  See to it that you’re not late again.务必,一定要

4)  I don’t like it when she tells me how to do    things.

5)  I like it that you come.             6)  He would much appreciate it if you could do him a favor.

7)  You may depend on it that they will send us some food and gas.

(四) 数词             



表示大约数时,用量词的复数形式且带的介词of短语。Tens / hundreds / thousands / dozens / scores…of 其中scores ofdozens of表示“许  多”。


 (1) 数词+量词+复数名词two thousand books,

one hundred times, three dozen students,但score head却常用three score of books, ten head of cattle数词+量词+ of +复数名词的形式.

(2) 复数名词前有the, your, these等限定词修饰


hundred of them; six dozen of your books; two

score of the pens.

(3) Dozen表示确切数时,除了能与an, a 和基

数词连用外,还能用some, many, several +复数

名词的形式表达: some dozen people; several

dozen glasses


(1) The +序数词+名词:the second gate

(2) 名词+基数词: Gate Two


(1) 数词+times + as…as

1)  Asia is 4 times as large as Europe.

(2) 数词+times + more…than

2)  Asia is 3 times larger than Europe.

(3) 数词+times+ the+ 度量衡名词 ( size / length

/ height / depth / width…) + of

3)  Asia is 4 times the size of Europe.

(4) the+ 度量衡名词( size / length / height / depth

/ width…) + of +数词+ times that +of

4)  The size of Asia is 4 times that of Europe.



1)  He read the book a second time.


2)  The child wanted another two apples.


3)  The child wanted two more apples.

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